Lucy is also able to see the conflicting change ( in inverse order) in the modeling changes and workspace changes panes. Lucy还能够在建模更改和工作空间更改窗格中看到不一致的更改(按相反的次序)。
Some discussion of the relative significance of these four factors is therefore pertinent, and we shall find it convenient to consider them in inverse order. 因此对这四个因素的相对重要性作一些讨论是适宜的,并且我们会发现以相反的顺序考虑它们会方便一些。
In this paper, using inverse differential operator and its linear property, we present the particular solution of n-th order general inhomogeneous linear ordinary differential equation with constant coefficient. 利用逆微分算子及其线性性质,给出了求n阶常系数线性一般非齐次项微分方程特解公式。
In this paper, the disadvantages of standard arithmetic are pointed out, and a new method is given to improve inverse order for FFT with high efficiency, the standard arithmetic is also optimized. 文中指出了这个算法的缺陷,提出了改进方法,明显地提高了整序效率,使FFT标准整序算法得到优化。
The development of karst, in time and space, is characterized by superposition with the development of karstification in the same area, the variation of water types is in an inverse order with the increasing depth. 岩溶发育在时空上具有迭加特征,随着岩溶作用过程的推移,同一地点水质类型的变化序次与随深度的变化序次相反。
In Wang's RC interconnect model, the state space avoids matrix inverse and the transfer function uses a nice recursive algorithm, so a very high order interconnect simulation could be executed. Wang氏RC互连线模型的状态方程避免了矩阵求逆,传递函数采用巧妙的递归算法,使互连线的高阶仿真得以可行。
Preliminary investigation of sharing loads for pile foundation in inverse order during construction 桩基逆作法中的荷载分配初探
Starting from the practice of a pile foundation in inverse order during construction, the laws of sharing loads are studied. 从桩基逆作法的工程实践出发,探讨了桩基逆作中荷载的分配情况。
The fairing rings are built in the inlet and outlet of the vertical parts of inverse U bend respectively in order to restrain the effect of bend on the flow in it. 在倒U型管垂直段的两端内分别放置一个整流环,来消除入口弯头对垂直段流动的影响。
The essay explains the differences in word and sentence order between English and Chinese in an inverse thinking way and by contrast in order to master and use the English language accurately and correctly. 本文运用逆向思维方式,采用对比的方法去观察和解释英汉两种语言在词序及句序上的差异,从而达到准确掌握和运用英语语言的目的。
For the theorem 4 on DEA efficiency ( C~ 2R) in reference, this paper gives its inverse theorem under a condition in order to be easy to discriminate DEA efficiency ( C~ 2R). 对文[1]中有关DEA有效(C2R)的定理4,本文给出了在某种条件下的逆定理,以便简化DEA有效性(C2R)的判断。
Discussion on an Optimum about Arranging Document Indices in Inverse Order 倒排文档检索的优化算法探讨
In Chap 3, we give the definitions of left inverse and right inverse; present the fast algorithms of left inverse and right inverse for Toeplitz matrix, Hankel matrix, Loewner matrix and Vandermonde matrix with mxn order. 第三章先给出左逆及右逆的定义,然后分别给出了求m×n阶Toeplitz矩阵、Hankel矩阵、Loewner矩阵、Vandermonde矩阵的左逆及右逆的快速算法。
In the situation of structural performance function consisting of non normal dependent random variables, conditional probability distribution function of the variables and the inverse functions will be necessary for calculating structural second order reliability index by using Point Fitting SORM [ 1]. 对结构功能函数为相关非正态随机变量构成情况,使用PFSORM算法确定结构二次可靠指标须使用随机变量的条件分布函数及其反函数。
If a proper partial relation is defined in the collection of Part of Speech tagging, then the tagging string would have a sequence order. The tagging string can thus be reflected as 0 and 1 by calculating the odd and even characteristic of the inverse order. 自然语言的词性通常是有限的,如果在词性标记集上定义适当的偏序关系,则标记串就具有序的特性,通过计算逆序数的奇偶性,可以将标记串映射为0或1。
In view of the pseudo linear system formed after inverse system, introduces a modified internal model control structure, to improve the robust stability and high order no static error tracking performance of the control system. 针对采用逆系统形成伪线性系统,引入了一种改进型内模控制结构,提高了控制系统的鲁棒稳定性和高阶无静差跟踪性能。